Personal data protection policy
In compliance with the provisions of article 5 of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the personal data you provide us with when filling in any registration, reservation or contact form that appears on this website, as well as billing and booking data, bank details, or any other personal information you provide us with through the forms on the website or directly by e-mail or post, will be incorporated into a file owned by H.M.S. Spain, in order to provide our services, manage your reservations and send you our advertising offers, promotions or satisfaction surveys.
The user’s acceptance for the data to be processed in the manner established is always revocable, without retroactive effect, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 6 and 11 of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December.
H.M.S. Spain, informs the user that the existing fields in the registration form and/or registration form are mandatory, refusing any type of registration that is not fully and completely completed.
The user will be responsible, in any case, for the veracity of the data provided, with H.M.S. Spain remaining, exempt from any kind of responsibility.
Exercise of rights
Any user may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned Law, by sending a written and signed request, including their name, surname and photocopy of their ID card or other official document that identifies them, to H.M.S. Spain, C/ La Calilla, 16 – 04118 San José, NÃjar, AlmerÃa.
Access to data on behalf of third parties
The user is informed and expressly consents to the transfer of his data to third parties that H.M.S. Spain, determine or need for the provision of its services: such as the service companies that may send or manage our advertising offers or promotions, or the company that manages and conducts satisfaction surveys.
In any case, access to the data on behalf of these companies will be regulated in a contract that complies with the provisions of Article 12 of the LOPD. The data communicated shall be those which are appropriate, relevant and not excessive.
If you wish any additional information or wish to exercise your rights of access, cancellation and opposition with respect to these transfers, you may use the means described in the section “EXERCISE OF RIGHTS“. In any case, the opposition to this transfer of data will imply not enjoying all the services mentioned and offered by H.M.S. Spain.
Security measures
H.M.S. Spain, shall process the data only for the purposes of providing the above-mentioned services and shall not use them for any other purpose, nor shall it disclose them, including for the purposes of storage, to other persons.
And it undertakes to keep the professional secrecy of the data that it has knowledge of, maintaining the confidentiality of the same and to apply all the security measures established in Article 9 of Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data and in Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, which approves the Regulations for the development of the Law.
Child Protection Policy
Whoever provides the data through the forms on this website and accepts their treatment formally declares to be over 18 years old.
Access and use of the portal is prohibited to minors under 14 years of age.
H.M.S. Spain, reminds the adults who are in charge of minors, that it will be their sole responsibility if a minor enters their data to request any service.
It also informs them that there are software programs to limit navigation by filtering or blocking certain content.
In order to personalize and offer specific information about the services the user accesses, H.M.S. Spain uses cookies while browsing the Website
Under no circumstances will the cookies used allow us to discover the identity of the User or to carry out any other operation other than the mere control of the number of accesses to our services and contents in a general manner, for the development of new services and products that respond to the needs of our public.
The User has the possibility of configuring his or her browser in accordance with the instructions contained therein and in the configuration manuals, so that he or she is notified of the reception and acceptance of cookies. It should be remembered that sometimes, the non-acceptance of the cookie may mean that you do not have access to all the availability of the service or have to register each time you access a service that requires your prior registration. More information about the Cookies policy.